At CBCS we are proud to offer the following services
Specialised care for people living with Dementia and other cognitive impairments
People, and their families, living with dementia and other cognitive impairments are at the heart of the care we provide.
Specialised care and ‘meaningful person-focused programs’ are provided in secured units 24 hours a day.
Palliative Care
As a resident’s health declines due to the ageing process and/or other chronic health conditions, we at CBCS will move from a focus on curative measures to improving quality of life by identification of pain, physical, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural needs.
CBCS implements best-practice guidelines of a palliative approach to care for all residents at this stage of life.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is about providing holistic care – compassionately caring for the whole person. Such care embraces the needs of the person physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Respite Care
Respite care (also known as ‘short-term care’) is a form of support for the older person and his or her carer. It gives the carer the opportunity to be relieved from full time care responsibility for a short period of time to maybe attend to personal matters or take a holiday whilst having the peace of mind that the older person is being taken care of.
Allied Health
We are passionate about supporting our residents to achieve the best health and wellbeing possible.
Our CBCS aged care services extend to a range of allied health services, ensuring our residents are provided with the best possible care and support.
Aging in Place
“Aging in place” is a term used to describe a person living in the residence of their choice, for as long as they are able, as they age. This includes being able to have any services (or other support) they might need over time as their needs change.
The goal of an older person (or anyone) wanting to age in place should be to maintain and/or improve their quality of life.
Voluntary Assisted Dying
CBCS believes all people are created in the image of God, who is the creator and sustainer of life. We are of the view that “assisted dying” is inconsistent with our belief that God alone is the creator and sustainer of life.
As provided in legislation, CBCS objects to Voluntary Assisted Dying and chooses to take no part as an organisation.
We have 6 great facilities across 3 locations
Retirement Villages
The size and levels of accommodation vary, from self-contained independent living units, villas or apartments, to serviced apartments with some daily living assistance. read more
Residential Care
Residential aged care is for older people who can no longer live at home. Reasons can include illness, disability, bereavement, an emergency, the needs of their carer, family or friends, or because it is no longer possible to manage at home without help.
Residential aged care in Australia is subsidised by the Commonwealth Government and is governed by the Aged Care Act. read more